How much fluid is the proper amount for a Ford 8" rear end. I have a leak and need to know how much to put back in after fixing. Thanks!!
With the axle level, put it in slowly until it starts to run out of the filler hole. Bottom of that hole is the full level.
some third members do not have a fill whole the last 2 that i broke didn't have one so i had to fill it up by pulling one of the axles and having the car at a slight angle to put the fluids in it i think i put 3/4 of it in out of 1 gallon
72 Ford Shop manual calls for 4 pints. Then the sub note reads : "Approximate refill capacity - Actual lubricant capacities are determined by filling to 3/8 inch below filling plug hole". How would that be measured?
When I worked at the tire and lube joint I was told to stick my pinky finger in the fill hole and if it can touch the fluid then it was full and if not then add some until I could touch or it was at the bottom of the fill hole.
When it actually has a fill plug (I've yet to ever see one without one but they obviously exist) I fill it till it pours out....cap it..........let it settle for 15 minutes or so and check and fill it again.
I have never run across one without a fill plug. Makes you wonder how they filled those at the factory ...............
Correct. Combine that with a newer housing and guess what? No way to fill it. P.S. Unless you want to pull out an axle and fill it down the axle tube.
How about this idea? If there is no filler plug anywhere, unscrew the vent tube holding down the rear brake hose and fill it through that hole. As long as you know the capacity it should be fine.
WOW! that's a new one to me! Mines on the left side of the third member. I guess some models had the fill in the back of the housing,so their third member wouldn't have a fill.