would it be ok to put flexi exhaust pipe on my 88400 headers for a little so i can start my car and get to the shop
I don't see why not if it's not too far. I've run no exhaust for a couple of miles with no damage. Wouldn't try that twice though.
Go to the exhaust shop and ask them to make you up some pipes about a foot long. These will be used to get the car to the shop.
Yes...it would probably work. You will still be shooting flames out from underneath your car...but at least you can point them in a desireable location.
I find when driving a car around with shorty headers and a little bit of tailpipe to clear the firewall.....you will still have flames coming out of your exhaust. Pretty cool at night.
well i cant find flexible pipe do you guys know where i could get some simple exhaust pipe so its not pointing at the firewall and somewhere safe i was thinking like autozone or napa
Try a local muffler shop. I always keep a 55 gallon drum of "scrap" pipe. leftovers from jobs, mistakes, etc. I would normally give small pieces away or charge a little(5 or 10 bucks) for longer pieces or if they needed a flange/bend.
Call a tow truck, and use the money, and time you'd spend making something work, and just tow it to an exhaust shop.