Question my old driveshaft for my 6cyl with C-4 had a large round Vibration Dampner on the Front of the Shaft.Installed V-8, My shaft I have now does not have this Dampner. Is it needed? It must be there for a reason. What have you run into?
Not sure if this is the answer you're after but my '76 V8 Comet came with the round collar driveshaft as well so it's not 6 cyl specific
It was just a damper like on the front of the engine. Not required if the driveshaft has a good balance. My Comet was 6cyl c4 when I got it and did not have a damper. I went to a 8cyl 3spd and used the same shaft. Now a 8cyl t5 and has the same shaft(cut down to fit). Never had driveshaft vibration even at Texas highway speeds(70-80 MPH)
Sounds like downtown Atlanta speed. The tuned yoke and damper was used on the 73-77 2-door Mavericks. It was something that looked good on paper at the time.
Not really. It just adds reciprocating mass(bad). Atlanta must be like Albuquerque, NM. I lived out there for a year. Got passed on Menaul Blvd by a cop, then three cars. I looked at the speedo and I was going 95 MPH.