Little video from today. Great turn out. Bet its been a long time since there were 6 Mavs and Comets driving down road in this city.
Cool vid. nice cars I wanna drive my car! SOON!!! I know the Emerald Coast Cruiz-In is coming up down here and I want to be ready by then but......
You lucky dogs!!! looks like a great time.....could have used a mild burnout to spice up the ending though All those cars looked real nice!!!
That street is killer busy but you'll be happy to know I did do a farewell burn out through the parking lot. Its on a different vid cam.
cool very happy to c the mavericks together again, its great cuz i don't feel lonley maverick owner in ontario haha i would c u soon somewhere but now with the maverick cool metting A+
Sure is busy took me forever to get out of that parking lot Haha.I was thinking parking lot burnout too but my luck i would break the driveshaft an hour from home or something silly.
That was a great time, thanks to all who came out and brought their cars to our 5th Annual NRMCC Maverick Comet Meet and Greet. You guys made it a great get together.
Yep good thinking. At least if I broke something I could almost push it home. LOL. That street does get incredibly busy. I try and avoid it driving around town. Left turns are damn near impossible some days.