A friend of mine posted a vid of my Comet streching its legs a bit. Got to love stick shift burnouts!
You must own stock in a tire company got to love cleaning the rubber of off the rear quarters also, but keep them burnout videos coming I love them
Funny thing is the tires don't even look like i scuffed them.Plenty more burnouts left on those haha.
I'm jelous, I yet have to do a burnout with the manual . . . I know I gotta rev it up with foot on the clutch in first gear, dump the clutch, then put my foot on the brake and keep gassing. is that about right?
With all the goodies you have and are getting you got to get a line loc to complete the package, then you just push the brake pedal down and hold the button and let your foot off of the brake and front brakes are holding and rear brakes are free to let the tires spin. You can even shift gears.You can sit in one spot and burn the tires to the rims if you want, although line loc makers say that you should not energize the solenoid for very long or you may burn it out.