Greetings. I purchased a 71 maverick that already had the Granada Front Disc Conversion. The pads clack around. Want to fix but dont even know what year the calipers are off of. On back of caliper there are the numbers 9 351. Any idea what year they are? Does it matter (someone told me all the granada calipers are the same)
Here's a list of what those calipers were on: Plus a few others, like Bobcat and Monarch (which are just Mercury versions).
Hard to help without seeing, are the clips on the edges of pad installed, do the pads seem tight when wheel is off? Also, are the wheels hitting the calipers anywhere?
Thanks for prompt reply. Wheels are not hitting calipers and the pads are tight when the wheel is off. yet, when I drive the rattle like stops immediately if I press the brake slightly. I'm going to start with getting new pads, however I can't find a caliper part # and the only thing I see is 4 numbers which appear to be a casting number 9 351. I didn't do the conversion so I don't know what year granada to buy the pads for.
You can get the anii-rattle clips at the Help section at an AutoZone. Had this problem myself, and that fixed it.
Wow! I would help you out but, it occurred to me, I haven't looked at my comets brakes or a granadas for more than 6 or 7 years. Put three clutch discs in that time though ....hmm. If I remember right, The outer pad must be seated. After everything is installed use a large screwdriver to brace the bottom of the outer pad upward against the caliper. Use a hammer and drift to drive the top clips of the pad downward against the caliper. Or maybe I'm thinking of something different.
I have the same problem with mine . I had a warp rotor . If you just touch the peddle the clicking will go away. I would try the anti rattle clips first if that don't fix it them cut the rotors. Jay
Ok....all set now. Thanks to some help from my fellow forum members and from a local Ford Dealer. 1. The Caliper is held into its cradle by a knock out pin (rear side of caliper) that is held in by a large head allen key bolt and a kind of keyway that is slightly curved , I guess it creates a srping loading. 2. The outside brake pad is held to the caliper by two end tabs. The pad should be extremely tight to the caliper (ok to gently tap it in). If it isn't tight enough, bend the tabs in. 3. The inside brake pad is held to the caliper with a anti-rattle clip. It goes on the side of the caliper that is towards the back of the car.