If flipped headers are used(collector facing towards the radiator) would there be any plug issues?..... In my mind it makes sense, but I wanna run it throught you guys first.
I don't think that is going to help with the clearance problem anyways..... I know someone who tried to make stock exhaust manifolds and headers work with GT40P's, he had no luck at all..... Early exhaust components just wern't designed to clear that plug location.....
My engine bay is empty right now, i can always try to move the towers in a bit. I just have to do reseach on how to keep the geometry correct. I have a welder, bfh, Tin shears,etc i think i can make it work.
Headers in a maverick with GT40P Heads is easy. All you need are the spark plug elbows. Look up Chirts build page, hes running those heads with regular 6901 hookers. Now im going turbo on my build and i have to run the exhaust forward first. And since the spark plugs exit straight out and the headers bend forward when flipped...... in my head it works. The clearance with the towers is the only deal.
i ran the p heads for a while i used accel shorty header spark plugs i cant remember the part# for the wires i used 90 degree plug boots and ran 2 exhaust gaskets on the driver side with headman long tube headers its a pain to change the plugs but the hp gain is worth it
Stock manifolds cleared the plugs perfectly on my P heads, they don't sweep rearward like headers. But stock manifolds kind of defeat the whole purpose of running better breathing P heads. I used an old set of Blackjack longtubes, Accel shorty plugs w/90 degree boots from a distributor.
what headers are you thinking of trying? i have some fox shortys siting around my shop and the passenger side header is off my car right now. ill see if the header will fit and take pics of it to show where it does and doesnt fit.
I did the same thing, only I used 2 gaskets and a second header flange on that side. I still didn't find it to be worth the hassle, and the hp gains over the non-P weren't all that noticeable. I still had to take the engine off the mounts and jack it up, and remove the header completely, to get the plugs out. So you are looking at 45 minutes to do a 3 minute job, and LOTS more banged up knuckles. Supposedly there are custom headers out there that will fit in a maverick with P heads and you can get to the plugs. I talked to the guy that made them and they were a bit pricey. I do not remember who it was, that was 6 or 7 years ago.
I got a set of sn-95 stock headers that I was going to try this exact same thing on, I just have not got around to trying it. Another FYI is I have the same summit brand headers on my mustang, fitment was alright, and I have no complaints for dollar spent/performance