Decided to do the electric fan thing, undecided whether I should do the automatic switch or the manual. What have you done and does it work?
i have 2 fans on my car they are on a manual switch mounted in the dash this way works fine you just have 2 pay attention 2 the temp gauge o riellys sells a temp controlled rellay kit that mounts under the hood a friend of mine has one on his mustang it workis great and you can change the temp at wich the fans come on
i bought the gauges if you do any kind of racing its almost absolutely nessesary 2 b able 2 keep an eye on what your engine is doing
Automatic, no question. If you feel like you must have a manual switch then use both. The $30 for the kit is cheap insurance against the day you forget to hit that switch or when there an emergency and somebody else has to drive your car. Temp gauge is pretty important too, along with oil pressure, at minimum. Volts/amps isn't a bad idea either, but you need oil and temp at least. Ford used "idiot lights" in these cars to keep the cost down, and (assuming they even work) all they will do is warn you about a problem after it's too late. Gauges will tell you when a problem is beginning to develop so you'll have time to do something about it.
I agree 100%. Why go w/ manual in the 21st. Century when u can go w/ automatic sw. unless u go both (manual being overide)? I have preset and adjustable. I have the preset currently installed in the car -- I love it and wud not even consider a manual for a car driven on the streets. My car is a KRUIZER, if it were a race car I may have gone w/ manual -- though I doubt it. I bought both cuz was'nt sure which one I wud like. I put the preset in early this spring and see no reason to change it. Wud u give up ur remote TV control for one u had to get up and change channels? Nuff Said!