Today I replaced my front brakes. I bled them, and the master cylinder, and I'm pretty sure they arent working at all. I have an extra master cylinder which I guess I will install unless someone can tell me what I'm do you disconnect the master cylinder rod from the brake lever? it looks like it will be an awful ordeal. ive taken one off before, but the car was upside down and didnt have a dash.
the pushrod that goes into the master cylender is adjustable you might try adjusting it out some if that doesnt work the master cyl could be bad
You did not say - drum or disc? Either one, I'd try bleeding again. If it is drum: the shoes need to be adjusted so they are just in contact with the drum. If they are not properly adjusted when installed new they will not contact the drum at all. Unlike disc brakes, drums do not take up the extra play and need to stay adjusted to work. Once adjusted correctly, the self adjusting star wheels will maintain the correct contact of shoe to drum. To get the master cylinder push rod out of the master. They pull out and are often super hard to get out without wrecking them. I have used a vise grips clamped to the shaft and a couple of small pry bars. Apply even pressure on 2 sides and hope it comes out. Best to clamp the master in a vise when you do it. Do a search on master cylinder rod. There is a thread with pictures.
They worked before, however crappily. now they are even worse though....when driving in reverse i can get them to pump up some, but it doesnt stay that way for long. Ive got everything adjusted correctly I'm pretty sure. They are drum brakes. Thanks!!
Here is what I would do. Bleed them again - with a vacuum bleeder if possible. If they still do not work, pull the drums and watch them as a helper depresses the brake pedal slowly. If the shoes are moving out and in as they should it is not a hydraulic problem but a mechanical one (ie: adjustment or shoe fit). If there is no movement and you are sure all the air is out, it could very well be time for a new master.
This will require a few parts to test where your problem is. First,see if you can obtain brake lines the same as on your master cyl. Cut them about 2" from the master cyl,when they are screwed into it. You may already have some if you got a master cyl from a junkyard,cause they usually just cut them off. Take and bend the cut off end over about ΒΌ" and crimp it tight with a pair of vise grips. Take your brake lines loose at the cyl and screw these "plugs" into it. Make sure you have enough fluid to cover the holes in the bottom of the cyl. Do you have good pedal now? If not try bleeding just the cyl itself. Auto parts stores have a very simple and inexpensive kit for this. Still no good pedal? Your cyl is probably bad. Ok your cyl works good with the plugs. Adjust your brake shoes out to the drum until you can't turn the drums. Bleed your brakes starting with the farthest one from the master cyl. Bleed them until you have no bubbles and clean fluid. Do you have good pedal now? Yes?,now back off your brake shoe adjustment until the drums turn with just a little drag. You should be done!