Listen to this crap. The valve seal of the e7 heads i bought were never cut for the bigger valve. SO..... $15X16valves=250 bucks or just around:16suspect Plus the $30 new valves. gt40s sound better and better the more i think about it:16suspect this sucks add anything you wish to this.
its not hard to change the valve seals you dont have to pull the heads 1 of 2 ways of doing this puting rope in through the spark plug hole and turn the motor over by hand till it is at it's highest point then it will hold the valve up so it doesn't fall into the motor or but a special tool that hooks to the sparkplug hole and to the air compressre and the air will hold the valve up so it doesn't fall into the motor
Is it the seal or the valve size that is wrong? In your other thread you listed two different vavle sizes.
Sorry, i ment size. Went and bought a roller motor with e7 heads. I hope eather i can put the stock e7 valves in the ebay heads or get that broken bolt out of the roller motor heads i picked up today. boy im dizzy