I am going out to buy a new wirring harness today and i need a bulkhead conector. Where can i find one?
Are you referring to a new wiring harness for these cars? I don't know that one is made. Painless Wiring makes some harness setups that may be adaptable. Seth
I bought a painless wiring harness 18 circuit street universal non gm keyed. Its worked out great for me. 18 circuits may be too much for you since I'm not sure what your application is going to be. But, for me I plan on installing some mod's later. But Mine has worked out great for me and I believe it was around 400 dollars. But im not sure I cant remember. Good luck and take your time! I'll send you some picks of my car and its harness setup sometime.
Well, I would have to guess and say GM is for General Motors and would not be able to fit a ford vehicle. But, thats just a guess. Trust me the wiring harness I have works out perfect for me.
I am still confused about the GM thing it says on the painless web site: Is your ignition switch on the steering column or on the dash? Use the designated “for GM steering column” for later style “keyed” steering columns from GM.: so does that mean i need the GM one becuse i use the key to start my car?
I went ahead and bought the non-Gm 18 circut one, i just hope i bought the right one... NOW its time to start to put the Mav back together and supeing it up just hope i dont ruined it!
Just take your time and you should be fine. I just installed an EZ Wiring harness. I've heard the painless is an easier installation but I got through it. I rebuild the steering column switch and also the Ignition switch. With the EZ harness it was easier to use the factory Wiper harness. All I had to do was use the new power wire and it worked great. Let me know if you have any questions. Can't guarantee I can answer them but sometime is helps to have another person looking at the problem Good Luck
Good luck for some reason my turn signal is not working anymore...i goto turn on my blinker but it just stays solid...there's no blinking. What should I do does anyone know?
Check the bulbs first as suggested. If they are not the problem, it's either a bad flasher or bad ground.
Are the blinkers working in the front? Mine worked in the front but not the rear when I installed my new harness. If you installed new sockets for the taillights you may have your wires crossed. I did this when I put mine in. The brake lights were on all the time (looked like taillights) and that meant the blinker couldn't flash. Put a test light in the back of the socket and see if that lights when you turn the blinker on. I switched the wires on the socket and it fixed the problem (It took me 2 blown fuse and 2 blown bulbs to figure this one out). If the blinkers aren't working at all. I would check the ground, clean the connection and check the flasher. Hope it helps!