Does anyone make headers that will fit a column-shifted automatic? My '71 has an immaculate interior, so I don't want to hack it up by putting in buckets, but the stock exhaust manifolds just won't hack it on the 5-liter I'm building. Does someone make such headers, or am I stuck between a rock (stock manifolds) and a hard place (cut up my car)?
Most of the headers I'm familiar with say floor shift and power steering drop down bracket. You might try doing a search on the Doug Thorley shorty headers. They were designed by someone on the board here.
Doug's shorty headers Are you referring to part number D668? The Doug's website doesn't mention it, but Summit says they won't fit a column-shifted automatic. Generally I trust the manufacturer, but for $400 I'd like a second opinion!
im running Hedman 88400 and they fit great i cant remember how much i got them for thou might have to get long tubes when i swap to my t10 manual dont think theres room for the z-bar
I have Doug Thorley headers. If you do a search, you should be able to find the original post, by Jamie, the guy that works there, that made them. He's on TV all the time. (oh, I posted the same thing as Don, I never read his post's, as you can tell)
No drop bracket for the Doug Thorley shorties. Only clearance issue I had was with the pitman arm. Had to dent the collector on the DS to get full travel.
What kind of mods did you do? I assume that a 4-door has an automatic on the column, so I'm very interested.
im sorry but i dont know what the part was called but alll you have to do is make one of the linkages? like 3 inches longer cause before it would hit on the header when you tried to put it in drive and it would only get to reverse and making it longer made them all work
Contact Info for Doug Thorley headers I need help. I order a pair of Doug Thorley headers on November 11th, 2010. I called the customer service phone number 253-479-1922. the guy said that he had them in stock part number THY-268-1-C. that was a week ago. and I have not received them and no one will answer the phone. I have tried for two day now. I saw a post where Jamie works there. Did they go out of business?? How can I contact somebody??