I have an oil pressure a vacuum gauge and a temperature gauge to install. I want to have the gauges near where the A/C vent is. Do I have to worry about the lines going through the dash? Like will they heat up and mess up my wiring or stats or anything? I've seen gauges put in the A/C vent itself, so I assume it is fine to do, but I thought I'd check.
Just place the lines so they kink or rub on anything (metal) and you will be good to go. Sheesh howd I miss that!!! Should read...Do not kink or rub...Sorry
DO NOT use the plastic lines for the oil pressure. Get a copper or braided line to use behind the dash. Be sure to use a grommet where they penetrate the fire wall, and as said, keep them off of anything that will rub on them.
I've got copper tubing and grommets I just need the right adapters to attach them to the stock sending locations
Package You can get the adapters on Sunpro.com, there's a large cathalog of accesories and gauges. The temp gauge use a cable (not get hot) if are electric, and a copper solid tube inside of a aluminium spiral in order to prevent injuries (and burn some cable) if are mecanical. The only thing you have to avoid for the oil presure gauge it's use plastic tube, but you say have a copper one. The Amperimeter or voltimeter only need to have well isolated cable conections. This are the things than i take care wen install the mines.
Yeah, my temp gauge is mechanical and has the aluminum spiral around the copper element. That's what made me worry about singed wires.
Correcting my self That's true :Handshake, i need to correct my self. I do not know if one is better over the other, i change the plastic mine because when i change my oil pump for a high-pressure one, the plastic line get leaks everywhere, then i have to put a copper line in order to contain the higher pressure. But it's true, the cowl began get rust, it's not much (a year and it's barely visible) but eventually i will have to change it. Beside, some of the plastic line problems it's the sharp edges and the to hot surfaces, And when get old the plastic near to a hot source (like near to the engine) loses flexibility, like a garden hose at the sun for too much time. Is just my experience in the matter.