i like it BUT why the chevy engine and the chevy symbol on the front???
Its amazing how many N.O.S. cars you see for sale where the owner installed it but never tried it. I could deal with the Chevy SB power, but that bow tie on the grille is horrifying.
That's horrfic. And once again I fail to understand the whole gasser straight axle thing on a car like a Maverick.
I think its bad ass. i like the rust and all. gives it character. its in dire need of a heart transplant but other than that id drive the crap out of it
It has a little too much character, ill try to post a pic of maverick maniacs "hot rod" grabber, that car is a perfect example of "a little bit o rust"
I really like it....has potential to be a cool ride IMO, minus the chevy emblem. And gasser look needs gasser wheels.