Well I did it, I just drove home a 1970 Maverick (90 miles) it had been sitting for 5 years, after a lot of cleaning, plugs, dist. cap and some fresh gas it came to life. The drive home was uneventful just a belt squeel that I'll fix this afternoon. A couple year ago I picked up a 1989 lincoln mk7 for it 5.O HO motor and a dick brake rearend. I hadn't even thought about a Maverick until a few weeks ago and the more I thought about it the more I liked the idea. Everybody has a mustang and I wanted something a little differant, soooo here we go on another adventure. I will use your forum to death so to speak. pics to come later. Doncraft
WELCOME!!! I'm just over here in Lake Stevens myself! always good to see another member close by Post some pics when you get a chance! We have a lot of members here in washington!!!!
from a fellow 70 owner way over in Northeast Pennsylvania I think Washington is winning in Maverick/Comet ownership