I am trying to get the cam shaft out so i can remove lifter that wont pull out. everything is off. oil pump and shaft,timming chain and sprocket. it moves about 1/32 of an inch if that, but it wont come out. turns very smoothly. can someone please help me out?
Might be up against the lifter that won't come out. Put some penetrating oil on it, and see if it will work out. It might be mushroomed on the bottom side, so be carefull not to scratch the lifter bore. Might just be dirt and grime, and the penetrating oil should cut that down. Good luck.
I have pulled alot of SB Fords apart that the front cam barring was worn and mushroomed to the front side of the barring. The cam will slid back a little but not come out the front. I just slide it back a little and take a pocket knife and cut the babbitt buildup off the front of the barring and the cam will come right out. Always replace the cam barrings in a SB Ford when you change cams. If you have a worn cam barring then your oil pressure will suffer, especially on the #1 barring.
Here what it took; first i had to lube the lifters. by this i mean, i took a can of penitrating oil and shot each one. then a magnet to lift them high enough to grab with a pair of channel locks. once i had a hold of it, if you twist no luck. you have to keep lifting and lowering til the oil allows it to release. now the real pain; the cam was hard to turn at a certain point but would turn so i figured it had to come out, lack of knowledge kind of left me in the dark. reinstall the chain sprocket, lots of pen oil, kept turning the cam and pulling on the sprocket. after about two hours the cam gave up. once out, i could see the number one bearing was shot, and the lobes on the cam as well. Funny thing, all the lifters looked as if they where new. i have seen way worse.