Welcome! I would definitely keep the four door, and if it needs a little work it is worth the investment. These are great cars! I'm doing a 70% redo on mine, and with the help of people on the forum, I almost have every part I'm looking for already, and I just started buying parts less than a month ago. And even on my tight budget I'm keeping the cost down! If your wife likes the looks of the two door, you can always track down either another Maverick or a Comet for her. You should be able to find one on Craigslist easy enough. Your in Valdosta, GA so your nice and close to Florida and not all that for from Alabama either. I'm sure if you scouted around you could find one fairly cheap that I'm sure she would love! I haven't even finished fixing my '73 Maverick, and the talk of possibly getting another one has already started. If you look around the forum, you'll see that there are many people with more than two of them, so don't be shy! And this is a great place to find new friends and everything you need for the cars too! You can't post anything without having someone contacting you about it within 6-12 hours! Pretty darn good if you ask me! Anyhow ... keep that four door. You'll love it! 73MaddMav Jeff Knutson Des Moines, WA
Welcome from Alabama! Yeah, no need in stopping at one. I lost a good friend due to Mavericks though. He said his wife won't let him play with me anymore. He keeps wanting to buy more cars all the time to keep up with me!
Welcome from Ontario Canada. I would have a good look at the fuel system with sitting so long. Aside from the obvious fluids etc. make sure you check all the rubber components. Suspension parts,brake hoses,bushings etc..
Welcome Welcome from Northeastern Illinois. One thing abt 4 drs Mavs/Comets; don't see many of them around. Most everywhere u go u will be the only 4 dr Mav there - most likely the only Mav there - PERIOD. Another thing along w ur purchase being right, 4drs have a little more rear interior space. I think the car will grow on u as time passess and u start hanging out w the great folks here on this forum. I have gained a lot of knowledge here and had the benefit of saving myself a great deal of stress from information acquired making changes, repairs and upgrades to my car. You got a nice Mav, don't let the 4 door dampen ur enthusiasm..