I used Photoshop, but you can use anything. MSPaint works to. Just get the Configurator how you want it and press Ctrl+PrtScr. Then open up Paint and click Edit->Paste. Then crop it, save it as a JPG, and put it on your Photobucket, Gallery, etc.
Wish you had of had this before I painted my car! Would have been nice to check out the different stripes and colors. Way cool, I was able to create one that was an almost carbon copy of my car!
That is cool. I can see what my car will look like when I put the magnum 500 wheels on it, that I just restored. I just need to get the tires mounted and balanced first.
Updates! Guys, that's a small update and preview of the next version (.8) . Now the modifications are even more extreme but I am not sure if that's good... screens: Ps: same url: http://jvictorss.deviantart.com/art/Ford-Maverick-Configurator-185130777 Ps2: Some options are only available in blue or yellow, this is temporary,