I left for the military about half a year ago and left the Mav. behind. I came in as special operations and blew out my knee (again) so they had no use for me and I received an honorable discharge. But, Heres the kicker, they payed me a beautiful severance check/disability/VA benefits etc... So I can actually get back on the maverick grind again! I'd much rather be in the service but there's an upside to nearly everything. Glad to be back!
US NAVY Veteran myself, medical; honorable discharge also. Have exhausted all efforts to reenlist Navy, Marines, Army, Even National Guard. I love that military life. Its something I miss everyday.. Good luck on the Mav and God Bless
Welcome back. Sorry to hear you couldn't stay in the service but thanks anyways. What part of Az. you in?
from one vet to another, glad your home safe,thank you for your service to our country! and welcome home!!!!
BACK!!! I've worked at Hill A.F.B. Utah, it's sad to see and read about so many young and I mean young kids not making back.
A thank you to all that serve to keep our country free, so that we can have the things that we sometimes take for granted, like our car hobby.
Thank you for your service.....and thanks to all of the other vets our there that are on this website!
Thank all of you! There seems to be a lot of Vets in this community, that's something I think we can all appreciate! And i'm from the queen creek/Gilbert area Ryan.