Hello Maine Mav. I was wondering if you get a chance could you post some pictures of your 73 Maverick exterior and interior much appreciated Thanks Maverick73 P.S Me and my son also picked up a Maverick for him if you would like to see it there is a thread a couple pages back. title is " Picked up Maverick #2 this weekend. unless you have already seen it
Here are a couple of pics of the mainemav mobile, taken at a local car show. It is a nice 73. Something to tide you over until mainmav gets back to you.
Hi Maverick73. For some reason I haven't been able to get onto the board for the last several days. I couldn't get onto the MCCI web site either. I can see by the dates on other threads that other people have been able to get on. Weird. Anyway, Here are a couple of photos. I can get you more if you want, just let me know what you're looking for. I don't have any interior shots, but I'll take some for you if you want. My interior is nothing to be proud of. The car is originally from Florida, so the dash pad is cracked & the top corners of the front seat have worn bare from being beaten by the sun. The interior is next on the list of things that need my attention. I just checked out the Maverick #2 thread. Very nice car!! Congratulations! (Thanks, George (AKA Grabber351), for the compliment.)
I also had some trouble geting on the message board it kept saying "error can't find site" but anyway thanks for the pics. And If I May Say So That's A Great! Looking 73 Maverick You Have. P.S. is the interior Black or Blue?
Thanks Maverick73, I just went out & snapped a couple of shots of my interior & bad seats. I can use these as my "Before" shots. I'm going to do the seats & carpet as soon as I can. I'd love to just find a replacement seat in mint cond. with the same upholstery, but I doubt it. It figures, the "project" Maverick I bought has an excellent interior. But, I guess that just makes it that much less of a project. How about some pics of your cars? I'd like to see them. What part of Florida are you in? I lived in Hollywood, that's where my Maverick came from. (Years ago) Robert (Maine Mav)
Here are a couple of exterior pics. I will post some interior later. The Brown 73 is mine that I have Owned for 25 years my father is the original Owner. And the Green one we just got is my sons. And I live in Polk County FL. P.S. is your 73 one of the earlier production ones? I was going to ask for your VIN # but I didn't know if you felt comfortable giving it out.
Very nice couple of cars you have there! It's nice to have your own Mini-meet! Are those Keystone Klassics? I haven't seen a set of those in a while. Looks great! Now I know where my old antenna went!!! My car was made 9/72 according to the tag. It's great that you've had the car for so long. I've had mine since 5/86. It's like a part of the family. I couldn't sell the car if I wanted to. Here's a photo that I took in '86 when it still had the white vinyl top. I should have taken a photo of it with the original dog-dish hubcaps, but I couldn't bear to look at it like that, let alone photograph it.
Thanks Maine Mav, And yes those are Keystone Klassics. I used to have a CB in the car along time ago that's why I have the Antenna. I haven't got around to taking it off yet lol. And my vinyl top and LDO trim used to be brown before I had them changed to white.