Well I just got back from driving the car out to storage. Sad day I guess the good weather is officially over for me. I like to get as much time on the road as I can but next week is looking pretty crappy. Dont want them to start salting the roads. They already had the brine down on the bridges end of last week. Might as well bring on the cold now so I can get my ice fishing gear out. Got a nice new color portable sonar for my birthday. Cant wait to hit the hard water and try it out. My back is so much better than last few years. Lots of ice fishin for me this year. Hauling the sleds out with the gear onto the ice was tough the past years. Even though all my gear is lightweight it still adds up. Get a foot of snow on the ice and its one hell of a cardio program. LOL. If I had the room a quad would be the ticket. Hell you can even get a flip over hut that attaches to your ATV. This is 10 minutes from my house. (last year I think)Didnt even pop the hut up this day. All by myself on the water with a surprise visit from my parents(out for a walk) to say hi. A perfect day.
Yep, pier4 park channel at the free boat launch. Its sheltered and freezes up real early. Its great fishing at the start of the year and not very busy. Some huge Pike, lots of Rainbows, catfish, panfish(huge Perch cant eat em obviously but some do),Crappie and never know what else. At the end of the year the Bass even wake up. Seen some big ones through the ice down there. The bay is a really good Bass fishery and still under utilized. This is Jackie with her Pike from the bay.
Whenever I go ice fishing I usually catch a few cubes. I'm a fairweather fisherman. Trout in the mountains. I guess they're biting pretty good now. I may have to go up week after next for a couple of days.
Brrrrrrrrrr!!! That looks cold. Car in storage, ice fishing. What are these strange things you speak of? We just started our show season last month, had an all Ford car show today at the local Ford dealer, nice turnout, beautiful day in the mid 70's. Next week is Turkey Run at Daytona Beach, over 5000 classics in the infield where they run the Daytona 500. Don't cut holes in the ice, come south for the Winter. Jim
I pickled the Sprint today for the winter......2 weeks ago I put all my materials away for the blue mav...Dont want the primer and things like it to freeze...My outdoor fun is over till spring now...Guess its time to build a model car or two now. I like to eat fish but not much into fishing, let alone sittin on the ice to do it. Darren...your crazy man!!! I used to enjoy skiing but my back wont allow it anymore. Enjoy your winter fun man!!! Ill stay inside where its warm...
Man that picture sure brings back memories. I can't believe that it's been 4 years since I moved from Minnesota. Although we didn't go out on the ice until after December. Well I guess that I don't much miss the drive to work in the snow or the shoveling but it makes me nostalgic. Anyhow, have fun on the ice and be careful!
Geez, they do sell fish in the grocery stores up there don't they? Would be a lots easier than having to sit out in the snow and ice just to get some. Ya'll can have all the fun you want in that white stuff. Down here, when we get a dusting, they shut everything down because these idiots can't drive on the stuff! I love being outdoors, just don't have the time or patience to hunt or fish. And we still have car shows in December......
I'm not a big fan of Summer heat so me and the ice get along just fine. I own a big a#$ snow blower and if the weather is bad I take a snow day. That pic is last year. We wont get safe ice till around mid Dec. on a good year. I sure do miss the Mav by around end of January though. Only 4 months and 1 week till I pick her up.
Yikes! That is way too much snow. We got our first snow of the year last night. A north-easter blew in and we picked up about 4 inches. It is suposed to stay cold for a few days and the posibility of a little more snow this weekend. I don't mind it as much now that I am retired and don't have to drive the semi with 2 trailers, any more. The mav is in the garage until the snow leaves, hopefully in a few days, and then out and about again. I don't winterize or should I say let my vehichles hibernate for the winter. Even the bike will get ridden if it is dry and the temp breaks 50 deg. I enjoy fishing, but not on the ice. Have fun.
Hmmm....Ice? Fishing? yeah, I went fishing today. Also wakeboarded twice. The wife and I both got sunburned on the lake hanging out on our boat. Didn't get a single bite, but drank 6 beers, wakeboarded a couple times, and listened to lots of 80's rock on the stereo. Jeez...i wish I was ice fishing... how sharp does that hook need to be to catch that ice, huh?