Hey guys anyone else goin to the turkey's? couple changes this year. They have opened it up to any car/truck including 2010 models as long as there is form of customization. ie; 2009 a saleen mustang will be allowed. If you trailer a car there now they are charging $20 to park your tow rig outside.
I usually go each year. Our Cougar clubs reserves 16 spaces for cars. However, this year, with the changes, we got no spaces even though we sent the money in early. I don't like this new setup. Not going even though I have Friday off. Jim
sorry to hear that. I hope this isnt a signal that the whole spirit of a car show is changing. Especially when dealing with true customs and Hot Rods. I mean no offense but like Hottie says about what mustangs and cheeleaders have in common "any guy with a deep wallet can have one of those".
i usualy go too. unfortunately i have to work this year so i'm out. i agree with hottie too. i think they should have kept it for the classics.
Just got mine finished in time to cruise around daytona (paint, etc.). I'll be there for sure. Gonna trailer to my cousin's house in Ormond and trek down to Bellair Plaza for a bit then head to the track. Hopefully the swap meet has the goodies on my "list" of the odds and ends that I need to button it up.
I'm going to be at home ... working on the Comet .... got enough stuff squirrelled away here to keep me busy all the way until Silver Springs. Have fun guys!
My Mom lives in Leesburg, FL and my brother and I usually go to visit her for Thanksgivingand go to Daytona for a couple of the days. I haven't been able to go for the last couple of years, but my experience is that you see a greater percentage of cool stuff (some that doesn't even go to the track) at the evening cruise-ins on Hwy-1/Ridgewood Ave.. Much cooler scene at night, in my opinion. Gene
not sure yet if we're gonna make it this year or not. The new Mav is on hold due to Hottie being under the weather, if we make it, it'll have to be the PINK 52 Chevy p/u.
I'll be there. Not sure if I'm taking the Mav or not. I might take my truck so I can load up on parts. I'm gonna turn the Mav into a nasty street/strip car. Rice eater!!! :evilsmile
looks like i'll be there. It'll have to be with the wife's Pink 52 chevy truck. It is still pretty cool if I do say so myself. Fun to drive. Sometime Friday all day Sat., sunday is still up ion the air. Look us up or hollar,