Some of you guys mess with other Fords and may have an idea. I need a throttle cable similar to the Mavericks how it connects on each end...I just need one a tad longer. My higher than stock intake puts mine in kind of a bind against the shock tower support, and I'd like to get a little wiggle room. I have a morse cable setup I can use...but the very short distance on the inside of the firewall to the pedal connection makes it kind of a pain to fab something up. Looking for suggestions here if any of you know of something similar that may work. Thanks!
I replaced the cable on my blue mav (Years ago) with one from a 74 ford torino. It worked fine and is a bit longer than the Mav cable. Note: I dont remeber if I had a peadal issue as far as hook up was concerned but it is Identicle at the carb end.
Most Ford's all the way into the mid-late 90's have cables with compatible ends on them. Take a look at your gas pedal and see if it's the kind that has the pin that goes through it or the kind with the round plastic clip.
You might try a six cylinder cable. When I first swapped in my V8, I used the one from the six and I am sure it was longer. Lee "THE MAV" Richart
I agree, the six cylinder throttle cable is longer than the v-8 cable, under the hood, and on the inside, the same as the v-8. That should be the remedy that you seek.
Sweet...I have a couple of them laying around the shop SOMEWHERE! never dawned on me to look for one of them LMAO...that would be a different post on here wouldn't it..."looking for a 6-cyl throttle cable"