I stumbled on an old 76 2 Door that is in pretty clean shape. 200 6cyl, auto. The front end is pretty loose and I have been spending my time on it, however, I have a fuel problem of some sort. The guy I bought it from put a new Fuel Pump and Carb on it, it runs great, except when turning corners, it dies. Not always, but 90% of the time. I replaced the Fuel Filter on the carb and there is another fuel filter before the Pump. I am no good with Carbs! This carb has a plate on the top back, 3 screws, is that where the float is located? In a corner you can be level, moving slow and it still does it. Any suggestions ?
It might not be carb problem at all but a short in the steering column wiring. Try turning the steering wheel with the car stationary,not moving, and see if you can dupilcate the problem.
I tried it, and it does not stall or die when stationary. One other clue, after it starts to stall, you can tap the pedal and keep it from dying, but, then it runs rough for a couple minutes before smoothing out again. I am wondering if this was a previous problem. There is another clear plastic fuel filter right before the Fuel Pump? this does not look like an original design.
I doubt that the inline filter is causing your problem. I've added inline filters ahead of the fuel pump in both my Mav's just to avoid accidentally burning out the fuel pump and they work fine. It wouldn't hurt to double check your filters though to make sure they're not clogged.
New Carb, New Fuel Filters, New Fuel Pump. I have no idea if the Carb is setup right, the guy who owned the car before me, put it on.
Pull your fuel pump off and shake it see if there is a weird rattle to it... I bought a brand new fuel pump once and when i put it on it ran fine untill i took a corner i had to have the pedel to the floor just to keep it alive. I pulled the pump and it had a weird rattle so i took it back and they gave me another i put it on and it ran fine. But it only happend on mine when i took a left corner.
Thanks for the help, it may not be fixed, but, we are on the right track. 1.) Ran out of gas, fuel gauge is way off. 2.) Inline Fuel filter was bad. Replaced. It is not dying on corners now, so, either the fuel filter was the problem, or there is a problem when the tank is low. Guess I will find out after another tank of gas