My mirror on my drivers side is broken (just the glass), however i have the sport "remote" mirrors (the one with the adjustable stick) however i can figure out how to remove the glass itself. does anyone know?
I took my passenger side mirror off last week to see about tightening the assembly and I'm pretty sure the glass is glued in. Is it bad luck to break a broken mirror? don't have to remove the mirror to replace the glass.i think you can buy the glass precut...i had my glass shop cut me one and install it. i know this doesn't answer your question... "How to remove a 71 grabber mirror" this does... remove the chrome ring around the "stick". next remove the (2) screws from the mirror housing on the door..they bugger up pretty easy so make sure you spray them down with some kind of lub. when you fish out the cable, make sure you don't loose the washer down in the door. the trick is to get the cable back in the position it was in before you removed it. it has to be on the outside of the glass run... all this is easier with the door panal off... ...:Handshake...
i just need the glass, glad im doing this in the winter because it was infested with wasps during the summer....thats actually the reason its broken
They sell the glass at parts stores. But its actually cheaper to get a whole nother mirror from someone else.
Take a heat gun or hair dryer and heat the mirror to soften the adhesive making sure you don't heat the paint on the mirror and booger it up. Taking the mirror out will make the job easier since you'll be able to wrap your hands around the mounting assembly as you pry and break away glass. Might get lucky however and get it off while on the door when heat is used.
I saw someone on eBay selling replacement mirror glass precut and it was not expensive.... $10 or so. Hmmm.... wasps and sports mirrors .... I got stung three times getting my first set of sports mirror out of the junkyard. Big wasp nest just inside the front fender next to the drivers door. It couldn't have been the passenger door ... two screws and your done .... nooooooooo ... it was the difficult side .... took me over an hour to get that sucker. Get stung, go rob something else off the car, let them calm down, try again ...