guy i would like to know if anyone here uses or has used the pertronix in their cars .i have a mallory unilite with a blown module and i jst found out pertronix made a conversion for the 37 series unilite and would this be the route u guys would go. It has the 2 simple wire hook up and i wouldnt have to use the balast resistor .IF i do this it will probably be the ignitor II kit
how about the ignitor II is it worth the extra money? im also using jegs universal canister coil i think it should be ok with the pertronix.
Been using pertronix for several years also. Would never go back. Recently added msd 6a and works well together.
Use it on my 70 F-100 390 engine with a stock coil. Works great for over 10 years. Cant believe they have been around that long already.
Been using a Pertronix I for almost 20 years. Never a problem. Still has the ballast (pink wire) in circuit and it performs just fine. It's your choice. Possibly another choice is a Pertronix III. It is a complete igniton system . Incledes multi-strike and includes a built in adjustable rev limiter. Worth considering. And like the other versions is completely within the dist so not obvious. RS
I've had one for 4 years now, no problems. It's one of those things, everyone hears they have problems, but no one knows anyone that has had problems. If they were crap, they wouldn't be in business.
I have the Pertronix Flame Thrower with ignitor ll distributor in my '73 with 302, and no problems with it . I've had it in there about 2 months .
For a stock application, I recommend the "I" - works great without any change to the stock distributor, wiring or coil.
I love the pertronics I. I have it in three vehicles. The "I" works with a 6 volt coil or 12. The "II" has a safety for not burning out the pertronics if you leave the ignition on, and a variable dwell. I'm intrigued... I would buy it if I needed another one...The three..III, same as the II but has a user set rev limiter. I don't need or want that. If you go to a high performance 40 or 45,000 volt 12 volt instead of 6 volt coil, then make sure you supply 12 volts to the coil so as to benefit. The Pertronics will run on as little as 5 volts If I remember.. I don't know how to bypass the low voltage wire, I have no ballast resistor..I want to put in a Pertonics "Flamethrower coil 45,000 volt (Anybody know how to do this? how to bypass the resistor wire.) The Pertronics are very reliable...I just today drove 5 hrs in pouring rain from Las Vegas..a real test for electrical reliability. You need to open the gap on the plugs to .040 with the pertronics to benefit from bigger spark...