my wife keeps telling me about that bit from SNL, but i have not seen it yet to get the funny behind it.
Yeah, it's something that you have to see. And even then the humor doesn't hit you until you've incorporated it into your conversation a couple of times. It's kind of like seeing Napoleon Dynamite. The movie isn't funny, but you can use lines from it in daily life forever! LOL
So who is going to be the official Photographer for the event? Anybody with a good camera for taking Dusk/dark pictures with parking lot lighting? I can borrow a camera if I need to but would rather have somebody that knows how to use a good camera.
I'll be taking pics for the MCG Newsletter. Only $10 to join. Next newsletter is coming out within 2 days. Has more pics from the Gathering and also the Missouri get together.
well... i am bringing a camera and fully intend to take a bunch of pictures. however- if you have been on the board any amount of time you know that my camera and this site just dont get along. it would take a year to get just one picture to upload. cant afford another camera at this time.
ok, its 26f out side, ryan and adam is it cold or am i just letting my skirt get the better of me? BUURRRRRRR! i dont care what you think its COLD. "NO IT DONT GET COLD IN ARIZONA"!?!?!
FWIW As a former Minnesotan that has dealt with -26 f air's still COLD! I actually turned my furnace on last night. Worst part is that I am trying to work on the stupid car in this weather so I don't hear the whining when the 19th comes up!
I feel your pain, I was in Williams area all last week working on my car for same reasons in this weather. And shop was full. Nice to be home where its warm LOL
LOL, I know what you mean, it was 8F here this morning (we are East of Albuquerque in the Sandia Mtns. at 6600 elevation. I can't get the car in the shop at the moment so have been working on it outside. Needless to say, progress has slowed over the last week. Regarding cameras and pictures, I am hoping to be there and I have a good camera, and will certainly take pictures if I make it. So would be happy to help in that regard. My daughter just made me a Maverick Calendar for my Christmas present (I post some pictures later of her calendar) ,so if anyone would be interested, send me some Arizona or Southwest Maverick pictures and she would be excited to make up a Southwest Mavericks Calendar with the pictures you all send. I know we will have missed a month and a half by the time of the show, but might still be fun. She would charge $10 each and you can look at them at the show before you pay, if there is any interest. We are taking her car to the show, so she would be excited to put the Calendar together. No problem either way. Email is Hope you all have a healthy and prosperous New Year! Farmall
Ok Rick, It is actually cold right now, I'll give you that. But I have hopes of great weather when it comes time for the meet. Way to go Tony, getting work done even with this unbearable 40 degree days. Sometime between now and the meet I will be doing my AOD to T5 swap, I hope I don't get stuck halfway. I also need to swao out my front seats, kick panels, paint turn signal bezels, and hopefully get my back seat and surrounds from Wisconsin in time for the meet. Maybe I need to find some of that motivation stuff.
Wow this is coming up fast. A month and a half away. I better get to work quick on my swap or just leave it alone until after the meet or I might end up with an undriveable car. The guy that wanted to come check out my AOD and maybe buy it flaked out this weekend so another week wasted without getting to work on the t5 swap. Hopefully I did enough research and can get it swapped in just a weekend once I get all the parts and my AOD sold so I can buy my T5. Hows everybody's progress coming? getting your cars togethor? Pretty sure we don't need to hear from Tony, he's probably still wrapped up wiring.
Oh I wish that I was working on wiring. I still had to work on the clutch linkage. It's a long story, but I couldn't bring myself to cut up the stock linkage so I ordered a repopped one on here and I had to do some modification to make it work. Nothing unexpected, but with the cold it was tough bringing myself to open up the garage to do some cutting and welding. I painted it last night and I will do the final install this evening. THEN it's back to wiring!
This is getting exciting...everyone scrambling to get their cars ready to go! Here are some pics from this last weekend.
Haha, leave it to Gene to rub it in that he went racing.....Again. I wish I had the time to go to Gene but 'll be lucky if I get half the stuff done that I want to do. Luckily enough though my car is ready to go in its current form and I can put off anything I want to do.