Brake parts cleaner is another good one for finishing up with, after you use solvents or soaps on the engine. The brake cleaner will take away any oils or contamanents, and evaporate totally when done.
My .02... (worth what ya paid) is: The more 'stuff' you remove, as opposed to tape off, the better job will be done. Example: Pulleys... take 'em off and paint 'em black while they are off. Another example: Valve covers... they are the same color, but it always looks better to have a fresh, unpainted gasket between parts. Plus if the parts are dinged or damaged, you have it easier to repair them when they are off. Use old worn out plugs in the engine, to keep overspray out of the cylinders, and to keep your new plugs clean and paint free. Same goes for oil filter and any sending units. Put old ones in place, or in the case of senders, tape them off well if you don' have anything to stand in. It's always best to take exhaust off if you can... The exhaust can be cleaned really well and painted with special paints, if you so choose. Someone here probably knows of a good cast iron coating. I don't have that specific info.
Brake cleaner or Gun Scrubber. Gun Scrubber is basically acetone in a spray can, and it comes out pretty hard like brake cleaner. Wear goggles. Trust me.
...this way is doesn't matter how pretty the paint job is, if you get overspray on anything the job looks like...DOG-DO... don't forget the engine bay... ...
This is about the only thing I didn't attempt take off. With my luck I would had snapped half of the bolts off flush with the block.
Well here it is after 1 coat of primer and 3 coats of paint. I brought the temp up to 70 in the garage and will let it cure overnight. Then it's start putting everything back on.
looks great... now flip it upside down and put one more coat on it... what...high temp primer..did you use? ...:Handshake...
I used Dupli-color high temp primer and 1606 Dupli-color dark Blue paint. Why should I tip it over and put on another coat ? ?
It's easy to miss spots due to gravity... It may not need another coat, but you have it on the stand anyway. Might as well turn it over and take a look. Underside of intake looks like it might have some light spots. Looks good though. I can't wait til I get back home so I can get to work on mine.
That engine is lookin gud. ........ I am of the opinion that using the same brand primer and paint is the best/only way to paint something. I have mis-matched primer/paint in the past and had a mess. BTW- it's nice to be able to raise garage temp to 70 deg this time of year, esp. in the midwest. If I cud do it I cud make some real progress on the car.
Wow! That's gonna look good! Yeah, I think Frank is talking about the 'shadow' spots that are hard to get from one angle. Going at them from another available angle later is usually a good thing. Spin it over, and you'll probably see several spots that were in shadows when it was right side up.
i recommend multiple applications of PB blaster i sprayed my manifold bolts with it over the course of 3 days and they spun right out no problems. if one feels hard dont try spray it and let it set overnight.
they have a non-fuming cleaner from easy-off I found at our dollar store, works great rinses clean no smell.