Do some checking... I doubt very seriously that the mod was done from the factory. True, I don't know for sure, but several Maverick owners have done the drop. I would think that someone would have noticed by now because these folks now have 2+ inches of drop and severe angularity on their ball joints. Just saying... No one in this thread said anything about it already being done. I just suggested that we might check to make sure.
Looks good im planning the whole thing out and it will require a lot of changes i know this also. I am alos going to figure out how to adapt some makes manual rack and pinion to fit the car. I will also be using linear rate springs not variable. And i dont plan on having enough suspension travel to bind the ball joints if all goes right. And for "check the search engine" folks i did must not have used the correct verbarge or somthing. Besides i thought the point of the forum was to discuss these things. And yes they may have been deiscussed before but if you refuse to chat about anyhting thats not new why have the forum just archive everyhting and tell everyone well there you go. These cars have been around since 1970 there is nothing new to discuss. Besides i am a fabricator so any info no matter how meaningless it may seem can help alot. I do not "bolt on" junk when i can just as easily and sometimes alot cheaper just make it myself. Once i get my rack and pinion installed and working correctly i will post pics and step by step if anyone wants. Racks are 40 bucks a pop at our local u pull salvage. Thats cheap enough for me fail at least 5 times lol