Anyone have ideas on how to open stuck hoods? The last 2 Mavs I have looked at have stuck hoods, the latch appears to unlatch, but can't get the hoods open.Tried to pry the hood with a bar while holding the latch up. Also, can the trunk be opened with the appropriate "applied force" from the back without having to go through the car? Just curious.
If the hood hinges are rusted, you'll just have to pull them up, if your sure you are releasing the latch, that's the only thing holding the hood down. As for the trunk, if you can get the lock out, you can use a screwdriver, but beyond removing the backseat, you'll make a mess getting it open.
Thanks Dave, I was afraid of that. Hopefully this second car that I'm going to look at "may" have keys. I'm still in the process of tracking down the owner.
I have used a stream of PB Blaster spray through the grill at the latch while tapping on it with a long screwdriver and working the release. both latches cinch when properly latched and won't release unless by the designed in release mechanism.