Ford has been using this technology on some applications since the late 90's and it seems to work fairly well. The only issue I see is serviceability. I'm assuming if they're like the OEM's, you cannot remove them without cutting them. Then you'll have to buy another $5 clamp every time you take the hose off.
Saw several guys in Tyler, Tx a couple of months ago that had these on their engines. I asked them about them and they all love them, but as stated above, if you have to change out a hose, they have to be bought again.
Be a real clean looking install. I may just try those. I figure just have an extra couple on hand for the upper rad hose. In case of fan removal etc. Sure would clean up the look of my fuel lines. Just leave a regular clamp at the carb.
We use them on alot of custom street/hot rod applications where I work..... They give a very clean appearance and I have not seen one fail yet.....
I also like the looks of them and it wouldn't bother me to cut one off and then have to replace it but i would be afraid i might cut the hose in the process wich would be an added expense
Pros- Clean, simple. Lots of big trucks use them now, so they have to be durable. Cons- One time use, have to be cut off to remove. Since you change engines like I change socks, you're gonna go through a bunch of them!
GATES Part # 32941 Thermoplastic - Size SB41 (Nominal Hose I.D. 1 1/4", Fits Hose O.D. 1 1/2" to 1 3/4") (Only 11 Remaining) $2.68Add to Cart