Hi everybody I wanna change to electronic ignition but here are very expensive a HEI or a Mallory type . Was able to put my hands on a "induction distributor" (i don't really know if that it's correct name , i mean the electromagnetic motorcraft one. Take a look on the Attached, it's that one), but hapends that i don't have the electrical connection diagram, the complete one whichs include the control unit for that one. :16suspect So Please Help!!!!!! need a diagram for wiring my distributor. Thanks!!!
that's a Duraspark magnetic pickup distributor. You will also need an electronic ignition box to run that - a factory Duraspark box or an MSD box
All ready have I all ready have a ignition box, not know wich one is because don't have nothing sign on it, i guess it's a duraspark, but i don't know how to wire it, the ignition box. Thanks
Pic's!!! Here are the pic's of my ignition box. I was doing some reserch and someone says i need a RPM sensor o something like that, it's that true? Still need your help PLease Thanks
la compa, Yo tambien queria cambiar mi sistema de encendido a electronico y mi decision fue usar este aparatito y te afirmo que trabaja muy bien usando mi distribuidor de platinos y mantener la apariencia original en mi motor. Se usa en lugar de platinos y condensador y no se necesita estar cambiando. Aqui te mando este link http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Elec...ptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessoriesy si tienes preguntas mandame un PM y te aclaro tus dudas. Saludos, Julio
thanks but... Thanks!!! I appreciate that, but my ignition box have 3 plugs, not 2 and have 9 wires, do you have something for that one?
you need to get a replacment duraspark box with the 2 plugs Wells Part No F102 is what you need (this is the blue grommet box) that yellow grommet box you have is one that retards the timing when the 3rd plug is in use as far as factory grommet colors Blue was 49 state (most popular) Red was CA emissions (higher spark power do not use with ballast resistor) Yellow had the retard function in it (3rd plug )(undesirable for retro fit)
Witch Car Do you know on which car model or year bring on it? here no one of the attendants know about part numbers the msd ignition box works too?