I didn't exactly know what a tower shave was when I started, and I couldn't weld. I can now but even if I did it again, I still probably wouldn't. Isn't it just for changing plugs?
Sadly enough Pauls right I think WHAT YOUVE DONE IS COOL, it's a 4 door isnt it? Ratio 411 will the towers fail without the shave & braces? Where at in Utah are you if you dont mide me asking? I'd like to see it if I get my water pump instlled on my Maverick this weekend provide your not too far away.
Ya, it's a 4 door, I like them better. I do have the braces they just aren't installed in that picture. I'm here in Layton, not too far from where you are.
Ratio411 Would the Mote Carlo bars sold here by one of our members here help him a little? MosterMav is your car licensed and registered I’d like to see it I’ll pay you $7.00 for gas to bring buy and show me Saturday or Sunday if the weathers not too bad. I’m doubtful my water pump will be in otherwise I’d come to you pm me if interested.
no shock tower shave as long as braces fit back on would be the way to go IMO. I think I am going to try the 88660 headers and try not to shave shock towers, def wont run it without additional bracing or mid motor plate. original shock towers would be as strong or stronger than shaving them. Like I stated before jacking up motor to chance plugs would be maybe once every few years at the least I would think. Just my opinion though as I like to keep things as close to original as possible and I know my mav didn't even have option of a v8 so im being a hypocrite, my 351 still in machine shop getting bored and decked ;-)