Hello everyone, I have a odd question that hopfully some one will be able to answer. I own a 1977 Mav with a inline six but I was wonderind if I could drop a 350 chevrolet four bolt(I belivev that is what it was called). My question is could I put this in my mav would it be worth the money? I would go with a ford engine but since I'm getting it FREE I was wonderind if I should install it. What would be thr pros, cons? Thanks!
good luck getting the sbc swap to get any good responses. the 302 swap is the way to go its a bolt in and you could train a chimpanzee to install
you can put it in. pro you have the or are geting the motor cons, lots of cons. need to fabricate motor and transmission mounts need a gm transmission need to fabricate header or hope to get lucky and find some factory manifolds that will fit the maverick nobody will be impressed to see a small block chevy put into anything. get the chevy motor and sell it or trade it for a 302 ford.
Bryant, on second thought I just relised how that would look.......ya no. Ok sell or trade. I was really hoping for a ford 302 ora 351. Which would be the better choice any why if you don't mind me asking.
302 is the easyest. you can get headers that fit and have clearance under the hood for a decent sized air cleaner. 351 has a taller deck hight that causes clearance problems with headers and the hood. it is doable but harder. you can get a 302 stroked out to a 347 and that will make close to the same power that a 351 will give you
If you don't know what it's called, do you know what your doing to swap the engine in the first place?
302 for sure, deals are out there on good runners. I just bought a rolled 94 Bronco with a good running 302 ofr $300. The thing runs good and only has 92k miles on it.
Another vote for the 302. I've had both and the 302 is easier to chamge the plugs without cutting the shock towers.
Dave boyer, iv only just begun my learning on how to do much of anything with changing, custom jobs and engine swaps. It was just a simple question and I had my heart set out on a 302 or 351 anyway. Just wondered if it would be a hard job to do something diffrent. And I don't know 100% for sure the engine. So.... now I got to find a 302..... I see them for 200-500$. Would a 5.0 from a foxbody mustang (1988-92) fit and work well in a 77 maverick. What would I all have to change.
Dave boyer, iv only just begun my learning on how to do much of anything with changing, custom jobs and engine swaps. It was just a simple question and I had my heart set out on a 302 or 351 anyway. Just wondered if it would be a hard job to do something diffrent. And I don't know 100% for sure the engine. So.... now I got to find a 302..... I see them for 200-500$. Would a 5.0 from a foxbody mustang (1988-92) fit and work well in a 77 maverick. What would I all have to change.
Just don't get in over your head, and get frustrated (and loose interest, it happens all the time). Look into whatever your doing, before you do it. Take your time don't rush into anything, just because its a deal. That's all I was getting at.
I know... and thank you. I'm sorry if I came off as a. A$$. Just would like to do something diffrent in my mav that would make it diffrent. I am having a hard time finding a good 302 , let alone those dang louvers for my rear side windows Dx. I would pay a lot for a set of those!!!!! Iv looked everywhere for a set and nothing if someone had a extra set I would love to buy one.