I am going to either go with one or the other depending on cost. 302 or 351W/C What I need is a list of EVERYTHING i will need as of parts, rear end (and which cars are best bet to get from), drive line, modifications (aside from shock towers). This will help me out a ton. I am selling my truck to fund this. I don't have a TON of money so lets keep all the heavy duty stuff to come down the line. I will also need suggestions on suspension upgrades or which parts to increase comfort for daily/drag driving. -Thank you. Also... a buddy is looking for 302 motor mounts. If you have them please PM me. 99212 shipping
Look in the tech article section. Theres a list on there. Also you can do a search, its been covered a million times. Good luck!
http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=4581 Here is the link to the tech thread Maverick75 is referring to.
302 is going to be the most economical. Engine mounts come in 2 parts, an engine side and a frame side. The engine side is unique to Mavericks, but pretty easy/inexpensive to find new. The frame side is a bit harder... You can get new repops from AutoKrafters or used from the sale forum here. If you have access to Stang/Cougar parts, 65-70 models used a frame side that looks a bit different but is functionally the same. For exhaust you need either headers or Maverick specific manifolds. If you are wanting to do the swap first and then upgrade non-essentials later, to save money, then you can wait on suspension upgrades. There is nothing suspension, or rear end for that matter, that MUST be done to run a v8. You can upgrade as you go on these items.