I am in the process of doing body work to my 70 Maverick, and prepping for paint, but I CANNOT pick a color... Black is a pain in the ass to keep up and shows everything as far as body work. Must be straight, or it will look bad. Red is a awesome color, but is hard to maintain also did I say police magnet? Yellow will show every bit of dirt or dust. Do not want Orange I just cant picture it :/ I want it to POP out on the road! I need help choosing a color or ideas you may have. If you can please provide the color in a image or something close. I plan on doing a 2 stage paint with pin stripes/air brushing. Don't want sparkles, or paint that "shimmers". Also if you can provide a cheap alternative for paint do so. Want 3 stage, primer, base, clear
I suggest start looking through the galleries till you find something you like. Dont let someone else pick your color.
ive gone through for hours the past week, i find so many but I cant pick which to go with lol. Bahhhhhhh
Bad! Minor Dents, Paint fading, Can see new paint over spray in spots (someone didn't know how to match paint), and surface rust is starting. So I am stripping everything, mudding, and 3 staging it. Just cant pick a color.
Turns heads like crazy and stands out in a row of cars. Was watching Barret Jackson last night and they had a shot of the car corral. One car stood out in the mess of cars. Grabber Blue Mustang. My daughter called me into the room and pointed it out. Obviously my Fav color but Grabber Green is a close second. My car could have ended up green except my Blue interior ruled that out. Its not for everyone but G Blue has always topped my list. My car is done in Urethane. A choice made by me and my painter. Base clear is nice but sometimes it just looks too nice for a car of this era. I just prefer the look of the Urethane with solid colors and so did my painter. Makes touch ups and repairs a bit simpler to. I chipped one of my rear extensions installing it. Mixed up some touch up with hardener. A bit of wet sanding and a polish. Just like new. THIS WAS MY PERSONAL CHOICE THOUGH. I WANTED THIS COLOR ON A MAV 22 YEARS AGO. I FINALLY HAVE IT. YOU HAVE TO FIND YOUR OWN WOW PAINT. BEST OF LUCK.
Interior color is going to have a big impact on what people think of the car when they walk up to it. Cobalt Blue?
Thats for sure. Looks like its Blue int. like mine. Limits the color options a bit. I spent hours looking at paint chips at work. Must have changed my mind a dozen times then ended up with my first choice anyhow.
Well good luck then. Now you have an endless list of colors. I kept my blue int. so that really narrowed my choices. New color came out on our Chryslers last year or two. I think its called Blackberry pearl. Flips from black to really dark blue to purple with blue and purple fleck. Nice color. Looks awesome at night time when the lights hit it and in the sunlight. In the shade it looks black. Need good body work though.