Hey i have a 73 comet and im trying to put it all back together, i need a fuel tank and i understand they dont reproduce tanks for 71-73 what will work? What model year and make can i use instead and where can i find one?
You can buy a tank for a later year that will work. It's slightly larger but many guys have used it. RockAuto has them available new. What part of Mississippi are you in?
Thanks, found one that works, had to braise a pin hole. I ran into another problem trying to drop a 351w, out of around an 85-87 F-150, and i need some block hugger headers in order to fit around the shock towers. Trying to get as much space as possible, any idea where i can get them kinda cheap and shipped quick as possible?
to the forum from Northeast Pennsylvania Originally I had my 351 Cleveland stuffed in my Mavarick with the untouched shock towers and it was insane tight. There is a lot of reading material on this forum on cutting back the insides of your shock towers. It's not that much work and you will be very happy you took the time to do it before putting the 351W in.
Theres no cheap headers for the 351W swap. You can either go with stocks 302 maverick manifolds or long tubes from Crites.