. i have a 3200 stall bos hog in a mustang with a 351 and it does a fine job been in it for three years. i just bought a while back a rev max 4500 for one of my maves. havent installed it yet as i havent finished motor yet. a friend has a rev max in his mustang with a 393 and 250 shot.. he picked up three tenths . he had a ptc. but it was only 3200 . your best bet is call a converter builder and tell them what you have and are gonna do with car. ive used off shelf converters and thought it was working great . after talking to converter folks and trying what they recommended, i saw that i had left quite a bit on table with the ots converter.
Good advice. If I may, I'd like to add that there is no single better dollar spent than on a GOOD custom torque converter that's matched to YOUR car (not just the engine). The more information you can give the converter guy, the better he can help you. Call him & say you have whatever car and it's supposed to run 3000-6500 according to the cam card, and you'll get a converter thats more or less generic. Now if you told him that your car weighs XXXX amount, give them the tire size, intended usage, compression ratio, intake type, fuel type, turbo/blower/nitrous or N/A...and a hundred other things he'll need to know, and you'll get a converter that not only works-but will blow the doors off of ANY generic shelf converter. And chances are good that it will last longer too. It's not uncommon to see a .3-1.0 second improvement in ET with the right converter.
i did fill out a tech card with hughes and this is what they told me we recommend torqe converter part number 41-40 this is a competition series 10" converter and features an advertised stall speed rating of 4000 rpm. this converter will provide 2,800-3,000 of foot brake stall speed and 3200-3500 rpm of flash stall speed with my comination. so in light of this info this is what i will be going with.i dont know of any close shops that build coverters around here.so i have to go with something like hughes.although i did look at some art carr stuff and someone mentioned ptc but i cant find nothing on then i only have a 500 budget on the converter so my picking are going to be slim i know john
Boss Hogg - TCI Bad experiences with both on a BB 428 application. ATI or Hughes IMO- few exrea bucks seems to do the job...
. what was your bad experince with the boss hog, ive never had a hughes so cant speak on that but had a hogg for 3 years running and no probs at all. as matter fact ordered another from them and then changed engine build and they sent person from muscle shoals ala. to montgomery alabama so i would be able to race that weekend . and all on their dollar. cant beat that kinda customer service.
A good friend had a Boss Hog behind a 302 Comet and it was total junk. Not even close to good. It came out and a Coan went in. On a good note I have had nothing but great things to say about my Edge converter. It was speced to the car 7 years ago and has done me well. It would flash to 4500 and trans temps never went over 150F at most in the summer time on the street. I just sent it back for a cut,clean, and inspection and the guy that answered the phone was the same guy that I spoke with 7 years ago. we decided to go with a different impellar in it this time due to the AFR heads I added. Hopen for a tad more MPH and ET gain. http://www.edgeracingconverters.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_4&products_id=9 Coop
Dead on. I think every converter company has loyal customers as well as those who think/say otherwise. Sometimes part of it is not always the converter company's fault. Perhaps it worked ok...or the build plan was changed halfway through the build and a converter was ordered and built for the original build or perhaps not enough information or incorrect information was given to the builder. Just my opinions. Asking which converter is best will open up a can of worms (as you can see...) every time. Almost as bad as opening up a political thread
Hughes and ATI are both very reputable converter companies. Ultimate Converter Concepts is one of the leaders in the industry also.
NEWS FLASH i got a hughes 41-40 torqe converter a member here sold it to me brand new in the box. what a good deal and person.cant wait to try it out ye ha.