The only cars I am glad I sold, weren't Fords! If you have to make a choice, keep the one you're passionate about. I regret selling my 73 Maverick and 85 EXP turbo all the time. The Maverick is in a boneyard somewhere, I'm sure, but that EXP is still running around here somewhere. I'd love to get my hands on that thing again! I'll ALWAYS own a Maverick!
from Colorado Springs If It was up to me I would keep it, but If I had to sell it I would make sure it went to somebody on this board. At least then I know it would be taken care of and respected.
Without a doubt if I was to sell it, it would be to a collector etc... not just someone looking for a used car. It would have to be respected by someone who knows what they are getting. But again, I am seriously thinking of just keeping it. You know, it's like a tattoo, you can always get one later but not so easy to remove. The Maverick is equally opposite. I have one now but not so easy to get one later.
Yep if you sell it and that someone doesnt realize how cool they are or can be and drives it through the heavy snows in Denver it will waste away fast.