I was thinking covering the entire flat sections where the lights are. ABS plastic or fiberglass would work, I would think. Just put a round hole in your custom made pieces and run the mounts and wiring through the hole. You could dimple it slightly or if you're molding it in fiberglass, make it conform to the light and blend into the grill. Either way, I would make it reversible, just in case.
I've used Krylon "hammered finish" plastic paint on some stuff in the past and it produced a nice uniform finish that had a somewhat dimpled effect right out of the can. It does a good job of breaking up the reflection on the surface you'd get with a gloss or even satin finish.
if it where me, i would buy some thin sheet metal, enough to make mistakes! this with a sheet of construction paper trace out the opening on your grill. trim out your sheet metal. then set up mounting holes. (remember to use rubber washers. once you are happy with the outer look. then i would set up my outer mount. if you are happy with the mount, run your wires to the harness and splice in a was as to not ruin it, should you decide you want to go back to old style. as stated before, i kinda dig it. meaning its different and it appeals to my eye. whats important is it makes you happy. dont be afraid to exp. so long as no damage will occur to your parts or you are able to replace easy enough. best of luck! Rick