Hey guys! Got a lead on a hot spot for vintage Mustangs and parts. Supposing I was looking for an 8 inch taction-lock unit; what year/type mustangs would I look under? Also, if I remember correctly, the ID tag on the center section will have a letter after the gear ratio indicating it's a traction-lock unit. Either a "T" or "L". Right? I can't remember which one. Thx, Eric
i belive only mustang IIs had 8"s with a limited slip option. there will be a L between the first and second didgets of the ratio if its a lsd. example 3L00
Rumor is you might find one in certain Pinto wagons too. I have been waiting impatiently for a Trac-Lock 8" diff to show up in one of my frequently plundered junkyards for three years. Might as well be looking for a Versailles 9" rearend or a pitman arm from Santa's sleigh. Have an equal chance at finding any of the three. Not to be a pessimist, though. I hope you find it. Good luck.
I found my 8" track-lock in a mustang II at a local salvage yard the tag read 3L55.. I've also seen a versailles 9" but that yard had it prepulled and they knew what it was... $900 sounded abit high for a rear end like that. There are afew still out there... When I finally give up on finding something, thats usually when I do.
The odds of finding one is a mustang are about the same as finding one in a maverick. It's almost impossible. MII are rare also. I've been looking for one at a JY for well over six years with no luck.
Versailles rears are far easier to find than an 8" trac-loc. I've bought and sold 4-5 of em. If you want an 8" trac-loc, go buy one from Summit.
Frosty's Auto Parts and Sno-Cones, just northwest of Newfoundland, has 2 of those pitman arms in stock. I checked the Hollender Exchange manual and it's the same one used on the 1970 Shelby de Maverick
don't forget guys that the Mercury Grand Monarch Ghia also came with the rear disc's. I know they're about as plentiful as the Versailles, but just another car to look out for.
I'm usually very unlucky, I think I just cash it in periodicly... 3-4years bad luck to have 1 day of good luck.
About 6-8 years ago I bought a Richmond Lock-Rite from Jegs for around $275 for a 9". The 8" was the same price at that time or close to it. It is not a clutch type rear end, more of a ratchet type. I like it myself but it is more harsh than a Ford Traction Lock by far. It is a full time Locker though. Jack up either side of my F100 and it'll pull itself off the jack with only one rear wheel touching the ground. It is real easy to install without messing the the gear lash and all of that stuff. Just food for thought. clint
I can tell tell everyone here is a "glass-is-half-full" kind of person. Sunshine, clouds, and all that BS. Well, this place has every bit of 150 mustangs. Some fastbacks, some Boss's, some Mach 1's, a bunch of 5.0 fox body cars, and several big block motors laying around that I have yet to find what they came from. Dude wants $60 for an 8" traction lok, if I can find one, and $70 for a C-4 tranny (any year, out of any car, no matter the type of servos). Seems pretty reasonable, compared to what I've been coming across. All he deals in is muscle. Mostly Ford. I got to BSin' around with him when I walked in the door and that's the only reason I think he let me walk around the property and take a look at everything. He told me he doesn't usually allow people to do that and asked me if I knew what I was doing. I jokingly said, "No, but, I'm too poor to hire a lawyer to sue you even if I do get hurt." I then received permission. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Cut myself twice. Later, I told him I'd be back with a can of degreaser and a wire brush to scour some axle tags, if it was alright. Said it'd be fine. Just thought I'd try to narrow the hours by bugging the neighbors here. Thanks for the tips and encouraging stories guys. Lookin' forward to it. Kinda like a prostate exam. Eric