I am haveing a problem with the left ( drivers side) turn signal it flashes very slowly. When I turn on the headlights it doesn't flash at all. I have replaced all light bulbs including in the insturment pannel and the flasher. Could it be the headlight switch or is it a wiring problem ( car sat from 2006 until this past monday (2-14-2011) just trying to work out all the bugs in this one
i have that same problem. replaced all the bulbs and the flasher but the right(i think, can't quite remember) sidesignal lights don't flash at all. and the left ones are really slow to flash. they still work with my lights on though
Update just checked the emergency light and they flash like there susposed to but when i use regular turn signal lights they don't work
same here. sounds like our problems can be fixed using the same solution. i don't know much about lights and stuff but i figure it must be the wiring or something
When you replaced your flashed, are you sure you changed the signal flashed? There are two, one for signals and one for the emergency flashers. I'd check that first. If that's good, sounds like you might have either a bad turn signal switch or maybe a bad ground.
where is the other switch located on a 1973 4dr found one didn't know about other( I wish they wouldn't let it sit for 5yrs haveing all kinds of little problems come up)
mine's a 76 so it might be different but i only found one under the dash near the fuse box and replacing it didn't fix it. are they both in the same general area? maybe i just missed one cause it's behind some other wires or something
The turn signal flasher has light blue and blk/grn wires, the hazard flasher has blu/wht and wht/red wires. Keep looking, they're both there...
Or just simply turn the e-flashers on and put your hand on the flasher relay you just changed out. If you feel it clicking then you changed the wrong one. Turn your signal switch on the right side and you should be able to hear the relay clicking. Just follow the sound.
Generally a slow flash means the thermal flasher doesn't have enough load current to heat the internal element quickly enough. Corroded lamp sockets and bad grounds are the usual culprits.
I need to jump in here. My turn signals work fine all around until I turn on the headlights and then they flash once every 10 seconds or so which is way to slow. Any thoughts?
I have found that poor grounds make up most of our electrical headaches! With your parking lights on,and your turn signals on,try running a wire from the socket of the bulb in question to a good ground. To do this clean off an area of the socket to clean,bright metal,and run a wire from your - battery terminal to the socket. If everything starts working,GREAT,you have just found the problem! If not clean the socket terminals and try again. I would recommend checking all of your grounds before doing anything else! You need a good ground from your - battery terminal to the engine block(your ground cable),a good ground from your engine block to the body! All your lighting circuits depend on the body ground! If you are not sure,just run another one! You can't have too many grounds! I have actually had to solder a ground wire to lamp sockets before! When you think about the bulb has to ground to the socket---the socket has to ground to the housing---and then the housing has to ground to the body,you can see where problems will occur! One more point,after doing your grounds,make sure your bulbs are the same numbers. There are different wattage's of bulbs,so if one side draws more current,it can make the flasher blink faster! Good luck on it! This is mostly just a little elbow grease to fix!