Looks like you got alot of pics loaded up in your gallery. Now when you make a post look just to the right of the box that you type it, just under all the smileys theres a box that sat " My Photos" you can click on "Insert" and it will pop up your album and you can choose what pics to display in your post. They will show up small but can be clicked on to be enlarged. Or you can go to your gallery and find a pic you want to display and right click on the pic, click on properties, copy the URL address, and in a post click on the little square with a mountain on it, the "Insert Image" icon, and paste your URL into the box that pops up. That will display your pic larger.
Glad to see you joined, nice meeting you at the meet! For the stuff your looking for just post a want to buy with a list in the want to buy section and I'm sure you will find what your looking for
Here is the link to the main forum page. It's in the upper window to the very left as a link also. http://mmb.maverick.to/index.php You can find a place to ask your question about the headers there i'm sure. I don't know or I would say...