I was in my local K-mart the other day and found TWO Green mav,s I thought thay where a one day thing but i was wrong so dont give up keep looking i was looking on Ebay and could not beleave the price's that some people was selling them for so before you buy one keep on looking.
I couldn't find any that sold for more than $2.50 on epay. I am not near a Kmart so buying from that way made sense for me. Paid about $2 per car for 8 delivered but would have preferred hunting for them in the toy aisles. Happy hunting!
The Green mav. I did not mean that in a bad way its just when you can buy them for $0.98 at wal-mart / k-mart / target / toysrus and so on i have bought all the mav's from these stores so kept on looking Eddie.
They were originally available on the morning of Feb 12th but, from what I've seen, whatever didn't sell that day just got put on the racks with all of the other Hot Wheels. I looked at a K-Mart this afternoon and I saw a lot of the collector cars, from that morning, hanging on the main racks but no green Mavericks.