Going threw a devorce so I had to leave an get my self going again. I am back. Can some one help me to fingure out a ground issue i have. My radio doesn't play if I ground it to the dash. Even if I go directly to the battery. What is going on. If I use a jumper box ,it plays fine. Help!!!!!
It might be that one of your two radio fuses are blown. (quick test: see if fuse 6 is good). When you are connecting your radio to just the "jumper box" (external power supply) , maybe this is where you are getting power to just the radio amp, or both positive power wires, that feed the radio's light (fuse 3), and the radio power amp/tuner (fuse 6). Does the radio light also come on when it plays on the jumper box? If it does, you must be connecting both positive wires to the jumper box. If your fuse 6 is blown, it is possible to have this condition where it lights up, but no sound. I believe that your turn signal flasher is powered from fuse 6 also. Do your turn signals flash? If fuse 6 is blown, and the radio's ground wire is still ran all the way to the battery's negative terminal, the radio's light will come on, but there will be no sound. When you connect the radio to the jumper box, how many wires are you connecting to, on the radio end? (should be 3, lamp pos, amp/tuner pos, radio neg) Are you connecting the ground, and two positive radio wires, to the respective negative and positve on the battery? Try answering these things, and post your responses, and we'll see if we can get your radio working. It sounds like your radio is still good...just a tricky problem. Usually tricky problems end up being something simple.
I only have two wires to connect red an black. I used the wires that went to the radio from the factory.I have a light blue one with a red stripe that is power with the ignition switch turned on. When I use the jump box I do the samething , red positive an block negative. Radio still lights but no sound with the wires from the car it's self.I thank you very much an I will let you know If this works out for me.
I have the original ford wire diagram . this paper says that light blue/red stripe is to radio an radio is grounded to the dash. then the speakers are black wires running to one for the am radio.this is a power distrabution wire fuse #5this also controls all cluster illumination bulbs. I'll just have to take the dash out. That would be best. carlisle is soon.Thanks every one .
Okay. Your radio must be grounded through the case with the dash bracket. I was looking at the schematic for the 75 Comet and it doesn't show the whole schematic. I forgot the radio is case grounded. (??) The light blue/red stripe must be the car's +`12 v for the radio light (red wire on radio end). There should be another positive wire under the dash for the + 12 v (black wire on radio end) for the radio amp/tuner. Try wiring both radio wires (red and black) to positive and don't wire anything to ground, just ground the radio with a metal bracket to the dash. This should get it working. Let us know if this works! - Roger
Yeah Craig, I forgot to specify which end (car or radio) when I explained the wire color code in my last post. I updated my earlier post saying which end. Thanks. Hopefully he didn't fry the radio when he connected one of the radio leads to his battery's negative terminal.
Thanks cactusgrabber,I'll try that tonight I have the same schematics from ford. But not real sure. The last time I did it with out one an burnt up a new radio.