Well i built a new motor 2 yrs ago and i have never fired it up. I have primed the oil acouple time but never cranked it over. Now im scared i may have done all this work for nothing. I've been told by some people the motor will be ok. Some others said just the oppisite. What do you all think? PS I just ran out of money to finish but now im ready. Hear is a list of what i did. 1 new cam and cam bearings 2 new rings ( Also had block honed ) 3 new valve springs and port and polish e7 heads 4 new intake 5 new water pump 5 new oil pump 6 new roller timing set 7 new 600 holley carb 8 new dizzy ( 85 gt ) 9 new ignition box 10 new freeze out plugs
I say prime the oil pump, shoot a good shot of WD-40 into each cylinder, and start her up. The smoke from the WD-40 will clear in a couple minutes.
I've had motors sit for years, with no issues. Pull the plugs, give each cylinder a few squirts of motor oil, prime the pump, and turn it over by hand.
Yup, just fire it up and run the snot out of it. I doubt it will have any issues. A short squirt of Mystery oil in each cylinder, and crank it over by hand, if you are really worried about it. I have seen that stuff free up some pretty bad engines, including a seized 787 Seadoo engine. Like said above, it will smoke like crazy for a couple minutes, but I doubt any serious damage (or any) is done.
Can't see why it would be of any concern really, especially if it's been stored out of the weather. I've seen motors sit for 20+ years and still run fine. The valve springs should be fine, hydraulic lifters leak down and don't generally hold the valves open for very long without oil pressure.
My car sat for about 15 years without running. The carb was gummed up SOLID, brakes were SOLID, and the gas smelled like molassass, but once everything was cleaned up, it ran just fine. There was no issue with valvesprings (until much later when I put GT40P heads on and cratered the engine). But that was due to the wrong springs on that cam, not because it sat for a while.
pull the plugs, pour some trans fluid down the holes, turn it over a couple of times, it should be fine, i have had engines sitting for several years in the back of the shop, put them in and had no problems
Think of it this way, how long do crate engines sit before they are sold and fired up? You may have one sit for a year or more before it finds a home and fires to life and it still carries a warranty. If there was a problem with an engine sitting around you would have to pre-order and wait for re-mans and crate motors. Now if it was sitting out exposed to the elements then that is a whole different story.
I'm not a fan of WD-40, it's a solvent, any oil that does exist in the cylinders, could get washed away.
I agree. That is why I suggested Mystery Oil. It smokes like crazy, but works wonders. And the smoke smells pretty good, too!