Well, we had beautiful weather this weekend so I decided to take the mav (black one) for a cruise around town. To my surprise, Becky wanted to come along so we headed out, going to a local rod run and ended up cruising around town. hmmmmmm :confused: why is everyone honking? Why is everyone waving? and giving the thumbs up? why does someone talk to us at every stop light? its just a car? those was some of the thoughts my wife shared with me Even had a older gentleman on a motorcycle want to race (he was being friendly about it ) Other than a slight tranny leak....luckily we was only a few blocks from my mom's house, it was a great cruise in the ole hotrod.......... now for Matt to give me the old "practice what you preach!" She just doesn't get it
John, give her some time, she will get sooner or later . . . I think. At least at this point she wants to go for ride in it, from what I gather there are some wives that won't go near their husband's Maverick.
Yeah, I haven't even gotton my wife close to my car....EVER!! Oh wait..........I'm not married! Just kidding! I dunno, the more she rides in it, the better it will get. I think. But I don't know if you should take my advice.....................I haven't had a girlfriend for awhile now. Take care man and good luck with her. Preston
just wait. someday she'll take it for a ride when you aren't there. she'll like it when everyone gives HER the attention. then your really in for it. better just buy another one now.:bananaman
My g/f loves my maverick and it does not look that great as of right now. It needs a paint job. She had to beg to drive it. Now she wants one of her own. So I am keeping and eye on the 77 around the corner from my house that has been sitting in the street untouched since June. But then I wander will she stay with me if I give her, her own Maverick .
My other half doesn't understand it either. She really gives me heck when I roll down the window to hear someone else's car going by. When I am done with mine, she really won't get it!!!
I guess I should REALLY consider myself very lucky. I wouldn't even have the cars if it weren't for Joy. I can't remember going to any car event, except Carlisle this year, without her wanting to go. She had easily as much fun at the Roundup as I did. And, John, she really thinks you're a howl!!!
My wife and kids hate my Maverick. Even when they hear good things from other people about it, they hate it and will not even be seen in it. It's not loud like my older son's Chebby. It aint old enough for my younger son and my wife, well she just thinks it's UGLY. Funny, she likes her PT Cruiser......Now that is UGLY!
Funny, my wife and I met because I had a 72 Grabber that was painted Porsche Raspberry (she asked who painted their car pink? Her favorite color). She loves Mavericks I think because they are so much a part of my life past and present. I just hope she understands when the Pro-street Mav's parts starts adding up. $$$.
Similar experience here: My wife of 1,000 years (not really...it just seems that way) NEVER wants to go for a ride in my car(71 429 Mach 1...sharp!), but one day she decided to go out for a ride with me. We were driving around for a while and I noticed she had a funny look on her face, and was acting kinda strange. I asked her what the 'deal' was, and she said, "oh...nothing", but she had a sheepish, kinda embarrased look on her face. After I kept at her about it she finally said "I don't know whats going on, but all these guys are really flirting with me!" "What are you talking about?" I said, to which she responded " These young guys keep pulling up next to us and giving me a big smile and the 'thumbs up' sign, or saying 'looking good!', and it's kind of flattering, but I'm not used to it." Now, my wife, who is very attractive anyway, probably would have been better off if I just kept my mouth shut, but I couldn't resist... "It's the car" I said. I cooked my own dinner for a week after, so let that be a lesson to all!