Looks like it is in. Now you just need to put the rest of it back together. I sometimes wish I had one of those. Although I did get to drive a 2010 Hemi challenger today and was nicely impressed.
Since you already introduced youself in a different thread, Can we get a moderator to move this to the Maverick/Comet Projects Section? There you can keep adding to your project and it will be in the right spot.
@ryan , sureee i dont no how to do that tho:/ @dave boyer, ahaha it has nothin on the inside noww. Also, i fixed all the rust except for fender. @mav1970 , well my headers leak noww:/ so im going to take it back out and either recut the shock towers or make my own headers, probably make the headers. It sure does haul a** tho!!!
Took off my front bumper and fenders!! gunna sand blast fender wells front of car etc. So i get ready to paint and undercoat:d