Anybody notice the number of Grabbers's on Ebay right now? As of right now there's 5 of them on there. Maybe people are trying to cash in on a trend or something? Although we'll never catch up with the "mystique" of "traditional" muscle cars, I think Mavericks are certainly holding their own and even making a little headway. Whatcha think?
I was thinking financial times forcing sales of some hobbies. We have seen that a few times on here. I myself am cutting other places to keep mine.
I'm thinking it's sad for the owners who are selling,as I'm going to guess they don't really want to! I was faced with a dilemma a while back in that I had to sell My Maverick or an MG that I had. It took me a long time but I finally decided to sell the MG. The new owner got a really nice little car! If our economy keeps on like it is,I'm afraid some of us are going to be walking!
I travel around the state of Michigan, especially in N. Michigan, due to my job. Two years ago, it seemed liked there were classic cars and trucks for sale on every road that I drove on. I was surprised that last summer I didn't see nearly the number of vehicles for sale. Things are slowly starting to get better in Michigan and I'm not sure if there is any connection or if it was just coincidence. Either way, I'm curious as to what I see this summer.