Yesterday was our first Test and Tune for the season here in Oregon (Woodburn Strip). Junior (Ryanb) made 14 passes with last years 72 Maverick. This winter we dropped in a 302 to replace the 200 6. Although the 302 is of unknown heritage (built but wrecking yard?), it ran well. Mostly high 15 sec runs at 84-85 mph. We are running 2.97 gears so, all in all, not too bad a day. Next week we will install a 3.80 rear end with a mini-spool. Ryanb had a hard enough time hooking up with the stock Kumo's, so I think it's time for slicks. I'm planning on running 28/9-15 MT or Hoosiers on 8 inch wheels with a 3.5 inch back setting. Anyone have any better ideas or expeience? I'm also considering running Aero 50 series steel wheels. Weld type drag wheels are just not in this years budget. Thanks Chrisb and Ryanb
The 3.80 will really WAKE UP that car. I have 26X10.5 slicks, but never ran them on the track for time slips. But they feel nice on the street (M/T ET Streets). They are pretty much 245/60r15 equivalents.
Don't tell anyone at the track you are running a mini spool. Also with slicks you probably need a driveshaft loop. Have fun. Have you thought about the ET Streets from MT.
My tracks have no problem with mini spools. Is that a problem at other locations? But, I was running 245/60r15 street tires. BFG T/As. Couldn't get them to hook for the life of me. I have the M/T ET-Streets on rims, and have run them on the streets, but never at the track. They grab the road MUCH better. It is quite a bit harder to break them loose on a dry burnout. So I can only imagine how well they grab at the track!
Thanks Don- As regards the M/T ET's , my theory is to use slick's, making the car not streetable. Any street formula including a 2500# car, a SBF, 3.80 gears and a 17 year old driver makes me nervous. And for good reason, as they say, "been there, done that". It is more of Dad thing as much as anything else. Thanks the reminder on the DL loop. What's the issue with mini-spools other then breaking rear ends? They seem to be pretty popular for budget racers here in the NW. Chris
I would go with a small drag radial. On a basically stock 302 that runs 15's slicks would bog it bad off the line
a 15 second car shouldnt need more then a decent drag radial 255/60/15 is what i would run on a 8" wheel with around a 4" backspace.
Not a real problem as far as I'm concerned til you get more HP. I ran one for a while. I'm just saying not to mention it at the track as the NHRA rule book says any time you use slicks you must use aftermarket axles.
also, make sure you explain to JR. that if axle breaks, car is making sharp turn right now! if spools are installed, they need aftermarket axles by the rule book. Mini-spools I am not a fan of at all and knowingly will never race one! Saw 2 break at track, both ate barriers.
Dave- Roger that on the axles. Great info. Thanks. That's why I thought it was worthwhile to run our ideas by folks on the Forum. Not everyone is in agreement but the info is invaluable. Chris
We're all racers...keep this in mind and read further. Put the slicks on it. Might as well get used to them. Sounds like you guys are slowly but surely making mods. Pretty soon you'll have an 11 second ride. Then 10's. And so on. By then he'll be used to the slicks and he'll know what to expect at 100+ mph. IMO there's no better waste of money than a drag radial. Well...unless it also gets driven on the street. Even then, an extra pair of wheels with slicks on them along with having regular "street" tires is a better option, IMO. Drag radials have their place. Among a pile of burning leaves. They're WAY too expensive to wear them on the street and they don't hook like a dedicated slick does. Argue all you want. Ever try to bracket race with DR's?
Yep! Including the championships I won at the track. You gotta remember the rules of the game. At that time we were not allowed to use slicks in the Sportsman class here and there was a 12.0 limit. Now we are allowed to use them, and I had a guy sell me a pair of MT ET Drag slicks for $50. They had 3 races on them. He had to go to a taller tire. I still wouldn't hesitate to use them on a part time track car. I would not use them on the street though. What I did like about them on the track was the higher air pressure you could use. Seems to me like they gave a better ride at the top end.
Totally agree Don. My 255/60/15s work great at 14lbs. Have had these and never any slippage problems at the line. My 302 runs 13:40s all day long at 104-105mph.NO sway at top end,.
I know a slick will hook better than a dr. Even a small set of 26x10's will bog a 15 second car real bad off the line. My cousin's mustang would go 8.50's in the 1/8 and with 26x10 slicks it would bog on anything less than a 4500 rpm launch. It ended up doing best with about 17 or so psi in them